Saturday, June 24, 2017

Lessons Learned ~ An Introduction

Having worked in genomics for 15+ years spanning biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, contract research organizations, and the medical device industry, I am keenly aware of the typical questions biologist ask about genomic data, and importantly, the means by which to "digest" and understand such data. This blog presents some of the methods I have used in the past, many of which were incorporated into scientific publications.

This blog describes the use of genomic tools from a biologist's perspective. I hope this information persuades biologists to delve into the various methods and tools available to you, and not to be intimidated by the unknown.

I discuss and give examples of open-source software, and datasets freely available for download from NCBI's Geodatasets.

I was lucky in that I had access to a well-supported Linux server to use many of the described tools. I do not assume that everyone is so fortunate, so I would like to point out the web-based resource, Galaxy, which is is freely available, harboring many of the same tools I discuss.

If you would like to learn more about me, please see, along with the
 list of many of my co-authored scientific publications here.

1 comment:

  1. A very helpful and informative blog by an experienced scientist!
