
Welcome to Genomic analysis by a biologist!

My site is organized into a series of topics as outlined below:

  • Lessons Learned: a brief description of who I am and why I created the blog.
  • NGS QC: a basic overview of quality assessment of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data.
  • ChIP-Seq: an introduction to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation NGS data analysis using a published ER-α ChIP-Seq dataset as an example.
  • RNA-Seq: an introduction to RNA NGS data analysis using a published dataset of prostate cancer biopsies pre- and post-treatment as an example.
  • Relational Databases and SQL: an introduction to relational databases and structured query language (SQL), providing an example of how I used these tools for one of my co-authored publications.
  • ~=== Python: an introduction to the user-friendly scripting language with examples of how I used this tool for two of my co-authored publications.
  • Scientific Publications: a list of co-authored publications, organized chronologically within the role in which they were published.

Thanks for checking out my site, and please feel free to add comments and/or suggestions!



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